An introduction to free motion feathers. You will learn some of the basics that create a feather and be shown how they can be such a fun way to quilt your quilts. Using them for blocks, borders and backgrounds. This is a short glimpse of how versatile they can be.
You will spend some time drawing and learning different feather styles then you will stitch feathers variations and some simple block designs. Some free motion quilting experience is advised but not essential (this is not a beginner’s free motion class).
Student requirements:
• One or Two Quilt Sandwiches – 30” square. (Lightly spray basted) NOTE: Batting and backing larger by 5-6”. Solids work best for showing the designs
• Paper and pencil for notes and drawing
• Needles 80/12, 90/14 Topstitch, Quilting, Embroidery or bring what you have
• Quilters Ruler for marking
• Small pair sharp scissors
• Water soluble marking pen or pencil
• Quilting gloves or similar if you use them
Kit: Student handout, Thread from Wonderfil Specialty Threads.