Australian Machine Quilting Festival 2025

Quilt Competition

Machine quilters throughout Australasia are invited to submit a quilt for exhibition and judging that has extensive machine quilting as its particular focus.

The quilts may be any size, but no more than 150cm drop and 200cm wide, and may be wholecloth, applique, pieced, or art.  The quilt is to be the work of one person only.

First, second and third place ribbons will be awarded to three Amateur entrants.
First, second and third place ribbons will be awarded to three Professional entrants.

Additionally, three Special Awards will be judged across both Amateur and Professional entrants for


Excellence in Stationary Machine Quilting


Excellence in Frame Mounted Quilting (Hand Guided)


Excellence in Frame Mounted Quilting (Computerized)


Three Excellence Awards of $1,300 each

Cash prizes for first, second and third place ribbons for Amateur and Professional.

Entry fee:  $20 Non-refundable per entry.
Entry Deadline:  7 March 2025

Enter now and see your quilt on display as part of the esteemed AMQF 2025 Quilt Competition.


AMQF Special Exhibits

An inspiring range of special exhibits are being curated for your enjoyment – including an exclusive range of award winning quilts from Sue de Vanny.
